Bom dia meninas!!
Decidi fazer este post a preto e branco, pois achei que tinha tudo a haver hehehe
Espero que gostem!Adoro esta estampa e vem ai cheia d força em TUDO!! Deste sapatos, bolsas, camisas, casacos, calças, saias, meias...chapeus!
Adorei ! Eu ate ja fiz um post sobre esta estampa :)
Here is this week's Look, which is usually in Monday, but how had these complications of the internet here at home, it was difficultI decided to make this post the black and white because I thought I had everything there heheheI hope you enjoy! I love this pattern and coming full force at all!! This shoes, bags, shirts, jackets, trousers, skirts, socks ... hats! Loved It! I ate already made a post about this print :)
Boina: Presente da mami, não tem marca
Bata: H&M
Botas: Geox
Camisa: Zara
Bolsa: Marta Ponti
Colar: Parfois
E voces gostaram? Ja usaram esta tendencia de Outuno/Inverno 2012?
Beijinhos grande e boa sexta
End do you like it? Ja used this tendency of Autumn/Winter 2012? Big kisses and good Friday
gostei imenso da boina :)